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Care Package for Healthcare Professionals & Frontline Responders

Compassion Institute Team | October 21, 2021

We live in unprecedented times, with healthcare and public health workers tirelessly serving the public on the front-lines of the pandemic. In response to the enormous challenges facing those who work to keep society healthy, Compassion Institute would like to share our Care Package for Healthcare Professionals and Frontline Responders.


Developed in partnership with UCSD Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion, the Care Package is a free and downloadable resource for healthcare and frontline professionals, with on-the-spot practices that can be applied to support mental health and well-being.


The Care Package contains the following resources:


– Booklet + portable cards containing:

– Step-by-step description of well-being practices

– Portable cards summarizing each well-being practice

– Audio recordings of on-the-spot well-being practices

– Guided meditations


“The guided meditations include a meditation to do before your workday or shift to prep your mind for the day,” says Jane Chun, PhD, Compassion Institute’s Program Director for Healthcare Programs “There’s also another meditation for the end of the day to help…process and let go of what happened that day. A third meditation is designed to process anxiety and intense emotions.”


The Care Package is available to healthcare professionals and frontline responders in both English and Portuguese.